Monthly Archives: February 2024

Invisible For 24 Hours

I am invisible! The first thing I would do when I’m invisible is go to a store and steal all my favorite snacks in the store. I would do this because I would throw party with my friends and I will have them over and they wont be able to see me but I can still talk and hang out with them. The second thing I would do is at school I would still be there but people would think that I wasn’t there and I would be all caught up with everything. When I am at school I would mess with the teacher and mess around with all my friends. I would go up to people and pull their hair. I would do this because I think that it would be funny as a joke fro my friends and my teacher to come back the next day and tell them that I was actually at school participating and was just invisible.

Abandoned Island

Life on my abandoned island is fantastic. I have no school and I get to spend life on this island with my best friends. I was very excited to spend my own life without parents just with my friends. I had my dog with me and my friends had their pets. The island had Wi-Fi so i downloaded all the social media apps i could find. I wish that all of my friends could be there but I was there with my basketball team. There was a huge mansion at the island with a bunch of butlers and maids to take our things inside the hotel. The second we got in it was like it was a party inside. The chef made us a bunch of nice food to eat and I got a burger with fries and a sprite. After we ate our lunch we went to go check out our rooms and I was sharing a room with my friend Addy. We put out things in there and then we got changed into our swimsuits and went outside to go into the pool. The pool was huge and had a water slide and a waterfall. Also had a jacuzzi that we went in at midnight. We did face masks and ate popcorn while watching scary movies. The next day I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

My Weekend Coming Up

This weekend I have a basketball tournament and last weekend I just played at this tournament called Hyperhoops which is one of the most important tournament of our entire season. We went 1-3 since it was our first tournament. We lost because we didn’t have our entire team with us. I really hope that this weekend we can win the championship and get a trophy and t-shirts. There was one game where we only had 6 people on the team. There were a lot of people out that weekend and two of our girls played with another team that we lost to. This weekend I also have my best friend Alyssa’s birthday party after my basketball games on Saturday. I really hope that this weekend we can play at a facility because they are bigger and better. So with that all being said I really hope that this weekend I can win the championship. I really hope that we can win because we only won three tournaments last season.